See also: IS Chair's Website for more information.

Information Systems Department
Textbook List
Brigham Young University Hawaii

Please note that this webpage may become out of date, so if you are using it to order textbooks, please double-check with the instructor first.

CS 201 - Web Programming - verify text with Don Colton

(Recommended: verified for Spring, 2007-01-30, not Required) Perl by Example (Third Edition), by Ellie Quigley. 2001. Prentice Hall. Paperback. ISBN 0-13-028251-0. MSRP $44.99.

CS 301 - Algorithms - verify text with Don Colton

(Required) Introduction to Algorithms (Second Edition), by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein. 2001. McGraw Hill. Hardback. ISBN 0-07-013151-1.

IS 90 - Keyboarding Lab - verify text with CITO

(Required: verified for Spring, 2007-01-29) Keyboard Mastery on the Computer, by Barbara G. Ellsworth. Ellsworth Publishing. Paperback. ISBN unknown.

IS 91 - Personal Productivity with IS Technology - verify text with CITO

(Required: verified for Spring, 2007-01-29) Technology in Action (Third Edition), by Alan Evans, Kendall Martin, and Mary Anne Poatsy. 2007. Pearson Education, Prentice Hall. Paperback. ISBN 0-13-187882-4.

SAM Training Packets are also required, but are received from the teacher.

IS 100 renumbered to be IS 91

IS 101L renumbered to be IS 90

IS 110 - Fundamentals of Information Systems - verify text with Bret Ellis

(Required) Information Systems Technology, by Ross A. Malaga. 2005. Prentice Hall. Hardback. ISBN 0-13-049750-9.

IS 220 - Linux Essentials - verify text with Scott Mikolyski

There is no text book. We will be using online materials.

IS 240 - Principles of HTML and Web Development - verify text with instructor

(Required) Head First HTML with CSS and XHTML, by Freeman and Freeman. 2007. O'Reilly Media. Paperback. ISBN 0-596-10197-X.

(Required) Stylin' with CSS, A Designer's Guide, by Charles Wyke-Smith. New Riders. Paperback. ISBN 0-321-30525-6. MSRP $34.99.

IS 250L renumbered to be IS 254

IS 254 - Hardware Repair and Diagnostics - verify text with Tim Stanley

NEW: There is no text book. We will be using online materials.

OLD: There is no text book. We will be using online materials. However, students must purchase a computer for $100 to $150, depending on availability, or supply their own that they can take apart and reinstall the operating system (check with the teacher to verify suitability).

IS 280 - Data Communications Systems and Networks - verify text with instructor

(Required: starting Fall 2007) ... Cisco Press

IS 300 (discontinued) - Teaching Personal Productivity Software - verify text with Edna Owan

(Required) Microsoft Office Specialist Study Guide, by Online Training Solutions Inc. Microsoft Press. 2004. Paperback. ISBN unknown.

SAM Training Packets are also required, but are received from the teacher.

IS 307 - Systems Analysis and Design - verify text with Bret Swan

(Required: Same book as IS 409) Systems Analysis and Design with UML Version 2.0: An Object-Oriented Approach (Second Edition), by Alan Dennis. 2005. Wiley. Hardback. ISBN 0-471-34806-6.

IS 320 - Linux System Administration - verify text with Scott Mikolyski

Online. No book.

IS 330 - Management Information Systems - verify text with Jim Lee

(Required: verified for Spring, 2007-01-30) (Starting Winter 2007) Management Information Systems (Seventh Edition), by James A. O'Brien and George M. Marakas. 2005. McGraw-Hill. Hardback. ISBN: 0-07-293588-X.

(OLD: Required: Ending Fall 2006) Management Information Systems: Managing the Digital Firm, 9th Edition, Hardcover, (2005), by Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon, 736 pages, Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-153841-1.

IS 350 - Data Files and Data Bases - verify text with Jim Lee

(Required: verified for Spring, 2007-01-30) Modern Database Management (Eighth Edition), by Jeffrey A. A. Hoffer. 2006. Pearson Education, Prentice Hall. Hardback. ISBN 0-13-221211-0.

IS 386 - Computer Network Services - verify text with Tim Stanley

(Required) MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment, Enhance, by Dan DiNicolo, ISBN 0-619-21752-9.

IS 389 - Computer Network Design - verify text with instructor

(Required: starting Fall 2007) ... Cisco Press

(OLD: Required: before Fall 2007) CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide (Fifth Edition) by Todd Lammle. 2005. Sybex. Paperback. ISBN 0-7821-439-1.

IS 390 R - Information Security - verify text with Bret Ellis

(verified for Spring, 2007-01-29) Readings will be provided by the instructor. No textbook is planned at this time.

(Required: verified for Fall 2007, 2007-07-24) Secrets and Lies, by Bruce Schneier, 2004, Wiley. Not available in bookstore.

IS 409 - Physical Design and Implementation in Emerging Environments - verify text with Bret Swan

(Required: Same book as IS 307) Systems Analysis and Design with UML Version 2.0: An Object-Oriented Approach (Second Edition), by Alan Dennis. 2005. Wiley. Hardback. ISBN 0-471-34806-6.

IS 410 - Project Management and Practice - verify text with Bret Swan

No textbook at this time.

IS 431 - e-Commerce Web Development - verify text with instructor

(Required: Fall 2007, Taught by Jonathan Miller) Managing the Digital Enterprise, by Michael Rappa. 2007. Online Free. or (Required: Taught by Nate Fishler) Integrating Your e-Business Enterprise, by Andre Yee. 2001. Sam Publishing. Paperback. ISBN 0-672-32056-8.