SSH - The Secure Shell - Download Information

BYUH has an educational site license for the SSH client for Windows. You can download it and use it freely for educational and hobbiest purposes, but any commercial use requires a different license. See the ssh website for more information.


You must have 14 meg of free disk space. More is probably better.

Download SSHWinSecureShell24.exe (5,005,312 bytes) to your desktop.

Download SSHSecureShellClient-3.2.0.exe (6,053,888 bytes) to your desktop.

Download SSHSecureShellClient-3.2.9.exe (5,517,312 bytes) to your desktop.

Double-click it to run it.

After it installs, you should have two new icons: SSH Secure Shell Client, and SSH Secure File Transfer. We will use the shell client to run an encrypted "telnet" session. We will use the file transfer to copy files to and from the is230 machine.

You can delete the SSHWinSecureShell24.exe file from your desktop to reclaim 5 meg of disk space.

Launch the shell client. Then press Enter. Fill in the machine (remote host) and username you wish to use. Press Enter. Fill in the password. Press Enter. You should be connected to the remote host. If you have never visited that host from this computer, you may be asked to accept the "fingerprint" of the host. Each time you connect ssh will verify that the host's fingerprint has not changed.

Eventually you may want to visit the Edit / Settings menu item. You can customize ssh here.

User Information

Download the SSH2 Windows Client Guide (pdf) to your desktop. The size is 1030K (1030380 bytes).

Download the SSH2 Administrator's Guide (pdf) to your desktop. The size is 133K (133592 bytes).

To read PDF files, you must have Adobe Acrobat Reader which is freely available from the Adobe Website.