Client/Server demo Demonstrate in class that client/server is working. For the bank, this means that you have a credit card processing program written (a server), and that you can connect to it (using sockets) and you can perform a transaction. The transaction must involve two-way data flow. Generally it will be a request and a response. The bank is required to write a well-documented and working client program. The client must be able to submit a credit card number, a dollar amount, and a transaction type, along with any other information the bank may deem necessary. The client must be able to receive and properly interpret the response from the server, including options such as "card denied," "transaction completed," etc. For all other companies, nothing is due until the bank has their client and server working properly and has demonstrated it in class. (If that never happens, you will get full credit for the assignment even though you never did it. But don't count on that. The bank will come through.) Once the bank has credit card processing working, the bank will give to each other company a copy of the bank's working client (not server). Your task is to build a client appropriate to your own needs, and to make sure that it cooperates with the bank's server. You can do this by simply modifying the bank's client that they gave you. The bank will be graded on whether its client and server work together properly, and how clearly documented the client is. Everyone else will be graded on whether their client works with the bank's server.