Here is the text.
Here are the phonemes encoded in the WorldBet phonetic alphabet. It is graphically similar to IPA but uses normal keyboard characters.
Here is a chart to explain the phonemes. It includes both IPA and WorldBet.
If you are a Linguistics student, your assignment is to translate the text into a format very similar to the phonemes. Pay special attention to the places where the phonemes do not match what a dictionary would say. See whether you can invent or discover rules that will account for these differences.
If you are a CS student, your assignment is to translate the text into a format very similar to the phonemes. You can use the Moby dictionary. Pay special attention to matching the phonemes and the formatting within reason.
Alternately, you can translate both the text and the phonemes into some other phonetic alphabet that you may have invented. For instance, you may not like using "tc th" and prefer simply "t".
The ultimate goal is to work the other way, from phonemes to words, but that is much more difficult.