Don Colton's BYUH Courses and Materials

Courses Taught at BYUH by Don Colton
Text book (ipup): Introduction to Programming Using Perl
Text book (iwdd): Introduction to Web Design and Development
Text book (n101): Networking 101
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Courses Taught at BYUH by Don Colton

2CIS 101currBeginning Programming
1CIS 201disconWeb Programming
2CIS 205currDiscrete Math I
0CS 101CIS 101Programming I
2CS 143CS 210Computer Organization (Assembly Language)
1CS 201CIS 201Web Programming, Programming II
2CS 210currComputer Organization
0CS 235disconFoundations of Computer Science I
0CS 236disconFoundations of Computer Science II
0CS 252CS 320Intro to Computer Theory (Formal Languages)
2CS 301currAlgorithms and Complexity
2CS 312CS 301Analysis of Algorithms
2CS 320currComputer Theory
0CS 345currOperating Systems Design
0CS 380currComputer Architecture
2CS 440CS 490RIntelligent Systems / Artificial Intelligence
0CS 441disconAutomatic Speech Recognition
0CS 460disconComputer Communications and Networking
2CS 470CS 440Intro to Artificial Intelligence
0CS 491currSenior Research
2IS 220IT 220Linux Essentials
0IS 131CIS 101Applications Program Development I
0IS 230CIS 101Computer Programming I
0IS 231CIS 201Computer Programming II
2IS 280IT 280Computer Networking
2IS 389IT 480Computer Network Design
0IS 431disconClient/Server, eCommerce Web Development
2IT 220IT 320Linux Essentials
2IT 240currWeb Design
2IT 280currComputer Networking
2IT 480currComputer Network Design

Text Book (ipup): Intro to Programming Using Perl

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Used in CIS 101.
Introduction to Programming Using Perl and CGI
Author: Don Colton
PDF: 440+ pages
Publisher: Don Colton (2012)
ISBN: none
Suggested Retail Price: Free

Text Book (iwdd): Intro to Web Design and Development

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Used in IT 240.
Author: Don Colton
PDF: 300+ pages
Publisher: Don Colton (April 2013 or later)
ISBN: none
Suggested Retail Price: Free

Text Book (n101): Networking 101

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Used in IT 280, IT 480
Title: Networking 101: An Introduction To Networking
Author: Don Colton
PDF: 275+ pages
Publisher: Don Colton (2012-2013)
ISBN: none
Suggested Retail Price: Free

Helpful Downloads

SSH, the Secure SHell, is a telnet-type client that is available here for immediate download if you are a BYUH student. See also SSH.COM for more about this product.

TeraTerm for Windows has an ssh capability.

PuTTY: Another SSH alternative is PuTTY, by Simon Tatham.

Adobe (Acrobat Reader): Many of the pages are presented in PDF format, the Portable Document Format invented and promoted by Adobe. The easiest way to view such pages (including most syllabi and sample tests) is to first have the free Acrobat Reader installed. Visit the Adobe website for more information and/or to download a suitable version.


QuizGen tests on demand


Includes tutorials on Tutoring, Precedence, printf, Regular Expressions, Big Oh, CGI, mySQL, and maybe more.

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