#! /usr/bin/expect -- # Vacuum Driver, for robotic vacuums cleaning arbitrary rooms # written by Don Colton # argv is the list of executible agent programs (non-numeric names) # argv may (but need not) contain a numeric random number seed # we spawn each agent and communicate through stdin/stdout # in the typical case, there is just one vacuum running at a time # The room is generated at random, on a square-cell pattern, with # walls and furnishings filling some of the cells. The vacuum starts # at a randomized location and must finish at that some location. # The driver prompts the vacuum by sending a set of percepts. The # percepts are, in order, radar-left, radar-front, radar-right, dirt, # and home. Each is a binary quantity, with 1 representing true and 0 # representing false. The percepts are space-separated and terminated # by newline. For example, "1 0 0 1 0\n". # The vacuum responds by giving a command. The valid commands are: # "forward\n": move forward one cell, if possible, else do not move. # "left\n": turn left 90 degrees, staying in the same cell. # "right\n": turn right 90 degrees, staying in the same cell. # "vacuum\n": pick up dirt in the current cell. # "off\n": turn off, indicating the task is completed. # For the benefit of human players, the driver will reply with "what?" # in case an invalid command is entered. Robotic vacuums should not # need this functionality. # For the benefit of robot players, the driver will echo and ignore # any line starting with a "#" mark. This allows the robot to make # reports to its programmer. # The driver creates a visual display of the vacuum's working, showing # the starting random seed, a diagram of the room and vacuum, and a # score to date. By using the same random seed, different vacuums can # be compared. Score is -100 per dirt remaining, +100 per dirt # captured, -1 per command issued, and +100 for ending in the proper # cell (direction faced does not matter). Since it is anticipated # that all vacuums will seek out all dirt and eliminate it, the score # differences will be based on how quickly the task is accomplished. #------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc rand m { set device /dev/urandom ;# /dev/random can block set fileId [open $device r] binary scan [read $fileId 4] i1 number set clipped [expr $number % $m] close $fileId return $clipped } proc randomSeed {seed} { global RNDseed version; set RNDseed $seed; set version $seed; } proc random15 {} { global RNDseed; # 15 bit int: 0..32767 set RNDseed [expr $RNDseed * 1103515245 + 12345]; # overflows at 32 bits expr int ( $RNDseed / 65536 ) % 32768 } proc random {low high} { expr int ( ($low) + [random15] * (($high) - ($low) + 1) / 32768) } proc pick args { if { [llength $args] == 1 } { set args [lindex $args 0] } lindex $args [random 0 [expr [llength $args] - 1]] } proc permute args { set out ""; if { [llength $args] == 1 } { set args [lindex $args 0] } while { [llength $args] > 0 } { set nexti [random 0 [expr [llength $args] - 1]]; lappend out [lindex $args $nexti]; set args [lreplace $args $nexti $nexti]; }; return $out; } proc do {n body} { # based on p.123 of Tcl book global errorInfo errorCode while { $n > 0 } { incr n -1 set code [catch { uplevel $body } string] if { $code == 1 } { return -code error -errorinfo $errorInfo -errorcode $errorCode $string } if { $code == 2 } { return -code return $string } if { $code == 3 } { return }; # break if { $code > 4 } { return -code $code $string } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc blanket {roomIn rMin rMax cMin cMax color} { # init a rectangle upvar $roomIn room for { set row $rMin } { $row <= $rMax } { incr row } { for { set col $cMin } { $col <= $cMax } { incr col } { set room($row,$col) $color } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc genRoom roomIn { # generate a room upvar $roomIn room set room(score) 0 set room(moves) 0 set room(rMin) [set rMin 1] set room(rMax) [set rMax [random 12 18]] set room(cMin) [set cMin 1] set room(cMax) [set cMax [random 12 18]] blanket room $rMin $rMax $cMin $cMax "#" blanket room [expr $rMin + 1] [expr $rMax - 1] [expr $cMin + 1] [expr $cMax - 1] " " do [pick 3 4 4 5] { # generate some furniture set rW [pick 1 2 2 2 3 3]; set r0 [random $rMin+1 $rMax-$rW]; set r9 [expr $r0+$rW-1] set cW [pick 1 2 2 2 3 3]; set c0 [random $cMin+1 $cMax-$cW]; set c9 [expr $c0+$cW-1] blanket room $r0 $r9 $c0 $c9 "#" } # locate the vacuum somewhere set room(vacR) [set vacR [random [expr $rMin+2] [expr $rMax-2]]] set room(vacC) [set vacC [random [expr $cMin+2] [expr $cMax-2]]] set room(homR) $vacR set room(homC) $vacC blanket room [expr $vacR-1] [expr $vacR+1] [expr $vacC-1] [expr $vacC+1] " " set room(vacD) [pick N S E W] # spread dirt around the room for { set row $rMin } { $row < $rMax } { incr row } { for { set col $cMin } { $col < $cMax } { incr col } { if { $room($row,$col) == " " && [random 0 9] == 0 } { set room($row,$col) "d" } } } set room(dirt) "dirty" set room(moves) 0 set room(name) "initial" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # room layout is measured from the upper left corner (for ease of printing) # 11 12 13 14 15 ... 1(cMax) # 21 22 23 24 ... # 11 is the NW corner proc show roomIn { # show a room upvar map$roomIn room set output "" set dirty 0 set score $room(score); # use a copy set rMin $room(rMin); # integer set rMax $room(rMax); # integer set cMin $room(cMin); # integer set cMax $room(cMax); # integer set vacR $room(vacR); # integer set vacC $room(vacC); # integer set homR $room(homR); # integer set homC $room(homC); # integer set vacD $room(vacD); # N S E W for { set row $rMin } { $row <= $rMax } { incr row } { set out "" for { set col $cMin } { $col <= $cMax } { incr col } { if ![info exists room($row,$col)] { set room($row,$col) "#" } set cell $room($row,$col) if { $cell == "d" } { incr score -100; set dirty 1 } if { "$row,$col" == "$homR,$homC" } { set cell "o" } if { "$row,$col" == "$vacR,$vacC" } { if { $vacD == "N" } { set cell "A" } if { $vacD == "S" } { set cell "V" } if { $vacD == "E" } { set cell ">" } if { $vacD == "W" } { set cell "<" } } append out " $cell" } append output "$out\n" } # append output " score:$score\n" if { $dirty == 0 } { set room(dirt) "clean" } set room(okay) "failure"; set success "" if { "$dirty$vacR,$vacC" == "0$homR,$homC" } { set room(okay) "success"; set success " SUCCESS!" } append output " $roomIn s$room(score) m$room(moves) $room(name)" if { $room(dead) == 1 } { append output " DEAD" } return $output } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # this assumes all block lines are the same length proc showAll ids { uplevel { set output "" foreach id $ids { set output [merge $output [show $id]] } return $output } } proc merge {block1 block2} { set output "" set max 0; foreach line1 [split $block1 "\n"] { set len [string length $line1]; if { $len > $max } { set max $len } } foreach line1 [split $block1 "\n"] line2 [split $block2 "\n"] { lappend output "[format %-${max}s $line1]$line2" } join $output "\n" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ proc move mapID { set roomIn "map$mapID" # send_user "$mapID: starting move ($roomIn)\n" upvar $roomIn room # compute and write the percept vector # room layout is measured from the upper left corner # 11 12 13 14 15 ... 1(cMax) # 21 22 23 24 ... # 11 is the NW corner set vacR $room(vacR) set vacC $room(vacC) set atX $room($vacR,$vacC) set atE "#"; catch { set atE $room($vacR,[expr $vacC+1]) } set atN "#"; catch { set atN $room([expr $vacR-1],$vacC) } set atS "#"; catch { set atS $room([expr $vacR+1],$vacC) } set atW "#"; catch { set atW $room($vacR,[expr $vacC-1]) } set vacD $room(vacD) if { $vacD == "E" } { set atF $atE; set atL $atN; set atR $atS } if { $vacD == "N" } { set atF $atN; set atL $atW; set atR $atE } if { $vacD == "S" } { set atF $atS; set atL $atE; set atR $atW } if { $vacD == "W" } { set atF $atW; set atL $atS; set atR $atN } if { $atF == "#" } { set atF 1 } else { set atF 0 } if { $atL == "#" } { set atL 1 } else { set atL 0 } if { $atR == "#" } { set atR 1 } else { set atR 0 } if { $atX == "d" } { set atX 1 } else { set atX 0 } if { "$room(homR),$room(homC)" == "$vacR,$vacC" } { set home 1 } else { set home 0 } set percept "$atL $atF $atR $atX $home" send_user "$mapID: sending ($percept)\n" send "$percept\r" expect "$percept\r\n" # should be an overall timeout of 1 second including comments while { 1 } { set expect_out(1,string) "off" ;# timeout default command expect -re {[\r\n]*([^\r\n]+)[\r\n]+} set cmd [string trim $expect_out(1,string)] # send_user "got ($cmd)\n" if ![regexp {^#} $cmd] break send_user "$mapID: $cmd\n" } ;# print the comment # send_user "broke with ($cmd)\n" # accept the response and update the map incr room(moves) incr room(score) -1 if { $cmd == "forward" } { if { $room($vacR,$vacC) == " " } { set room($vacR,$vacC) "." }; # mark progress if { $atF == 1 } return if { $vacD == "N" } { incr room(vacR) -1 } if { $vacD == "S" } { incr room(vacR) +1 } if { $vacD == "E" } { incr room(vacC) +1 } if { $vacD == "W" } { incr room(vacC) -1 } return } if { $cmd == "left" } { if { $vacD == "E" } { set room(vacD) "N" } if { $vacD == "N" } { set room(vacD) "W" } if { $vacD == "S" } { set room(vacD) "E" } if { $vacD == "W" } { set room(vacD) "S" } return } if { $cmd == "right" } { if { $vacD == "E" } { set room(vacD) "S" } if { $vacD == "N" } { set room(vacD) "E" } if { $vacD == "S" } { set room(vacD) "W" } if { $vacD == "W" } { set room(vacD) "N" } return } if { $cmd == "vacuum" } { if { $room($vacR,$vacC) == "d" } { incr room(score) 100; set room($vacR,$vacC) " " } return } if { $cmd == "off" } { if { "$room(vacR),$room(vacC)" == "$room(homR),$room(homC)" } { incr room(score) 100 } return "dead" } send_user "?? got ($cmd)\n" return "dead" ;# declare the broken agent to be dead # send "what?\r" # expect "what?\r\n" # return } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # copy one array to create another proc clone {from0 to0} { upvar $from0 from; upvar $to0 to foreach ele [array names from] { set to($ele) $from($ele) } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ randomSeed [exec date +%s] # randomSeed 20020501 log_user 0 set timeout 1 if { $argc == 0 } { send_user "Usage: vacd \[seed] agent1 agent2 agent3 ...\n" send_user " \[seed] is an optional random number seed.\n" send_user " each agentN is the name of a program.\n" exit } set playerCount 0 foreach agent $argv { if [regexp {^[1-9][0-9]*$} $agent] { randomSeed $agent; continue } incr playerCount } # send_user "There are $playerCount players\n" send_user "Vacuum Driver for Robots, game # $version\n" genRoom map set map(dead) 0 # send_user "[show ""]\n"; # initial map set n 0; set ids "" foreach agent $argv { if [regexp {^[1-9][0-9]*$} $agent] continue lappend ids [incr n] # send_user "starting agent $n ($agent)\n" set agent2 $agent if { [file tail $agent2] == $agent2 } { set agent2 "./$agent2" } spawn $agent2 set id2spawn($n) $spawn_id clone map map$n set map${n}(name) $agent } set deads "" set count 0 set moves 0 # set results "" proc mygets args { global expect_out set expect_out(1,string) "" set timeout -1 expect_user -re "(.*)\n" set ans $expect_out(1,string) return $ans } send_user "[showAll $ids]\n" while { 1 } { if { [incr count -1] < 1 } { if { $moves > 0 } { send_user "[showAll $ids]\n" # send_user "stopped agents: $deads\n" } send_user "press ENTER to continue, q to quit, num to fast-forward\n" set ans [mygets] if [regexp {^[1-9][0-9]*$} $ans] { set count $ans } if [regexp {^[Qq]} $ans] break } incr moves; set alive 0; set deads "" foreach id $ids { if { [set map${id}(dead)] == 1 } { lappend deads "$id"; continue } set alive 1 set spawn_id $id2spawn($id) if { [move $id] == "dead" } { # send_user "[show $id]\n" set map${id}(dead) 1 set m [format %3d [set map${id}(moves)]] set s [format %4d [set map${id}(score)]] set c [set map${id}(okay)] set n [set map${id}(name)] # lappend results "$id score=$s moves=$m name=$n $c" } } if { $alive == 0 } break } send_user "Final Standings\n" send_user "[showAll $ids]\n" # send_user "\nresults:\n[join [lsort $results] "\n"]\n" send_user "Done (game # $version)\n"